Spend a Day Exploring Yakima, WA

Our winery hosts special events year-round

Spend time with people you love and people who love wine. Kana Winery hosts special events throughout the year to give Yakima, Washington residents and out-of-towners a place to gather and have fun.

Visit Drink Yakima's website for winery and brewery events.

Monthly special events are a fun way to meet new people while sipping on your favorite wine. Join us for our next event to experience it for yourself.

Learn more about our seasonal events

Learn more about our seasonal events

Live music, wine and delicious food are sure-fire ways to bring people together. Some of our monthly special events include...

  • Red Wine and Chocolate (January and February)
  • Spring Barrel (April)
  • Catch the Crush (September and October)

We host a variety of special events to say thank you to our kind, loyal patrons. Call us today for more information about our upcoming events.